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The HR Company aims to assist employers by giving guidance on all HR related topics – here we advise on what to do when theft is suspected in the workplace.

Request for guidance from employer

I know somebody in my staff is stealing money from the till. I’m pretty sure I know the culprit. What are my options? I have a staff of nine, all of whom handle cash. I don’t have closed circuit TV.

The HR Company expert advice:

As with any accusation of theft, the onus of proof is on the Employer to establish the culprit. Therefore the business needs to have an appropriate policy in place to investigate such allegations. An Employer should have a Right to Search policy in place in their Contracts of Employment and Company Handbook. If there is no such policy, an employee has the right to refuse a search of their personal items.

To uncover the person responsible for the theft, there should be markers placed on notes and then a search carried out to obtain the proof. If there is CCTV in place, then the recorded evidence should be obtained.

Common Pitfall

An Employer discovers there is a theft of money and conducts a ‘Witch Hunt’ of the staff member they suspect, and this staff member can then claim that they are being victimised in the workplace.

Employers often end up paying out thousands of euro for disciplining employees without following appropriate procedures

Disciplinary Procedures Guide

Has there been a theft in your workplace?

Download our Guide to Disciplinary Procedures in the Workplace to discover how to properly deal with theft and other wrongful occurrences in your company.
Disciplinary Procedures Guide