The HR Employer Protection and Advisory Service for Your Business

The HR Company’s #1 Selling Service

Our HR Protection Service for Irish SME’s is the most complete and trusted HR service in Ireland; your HR Team at the other end of a phone call. Become a partner today!

We know how costly it can be to hire a HR professional or even whole departments. Sometimes, for lack of options, managers and owners have to function as HR managers themselves. But worry no more, as we have created external HR Support in which you can have your contracts, handbooks, and employee management tailored to your business by us. Along with all this guidance that you would receive from our HR professionals, the best part is that we offer low, affordable prices!

Small business HR

The Hr Company

We Are Dedicated To Our Clients & Their HR Requirements

Simply put, we strive to ensure our clients are WRC compliant by actively monitoring their HR function for discrepancies.

Offload the risk and the time involved in carrying out your HR work and rest assured that your dedicated Account Manager will guide you along the right path. Our HR Protection Service is tailored to the needs of small & medium size business owners, offering cost-effective solutions to take the pain out of your HR Management. Think of us as your HR Department.

Your dedicated account manager will offer you peace of mind and more importantly advice and solutions regarding any issues you may experience in the workplace. We’re the people you ring when you need a contract for a new employee. Monday morning and one of your staff members appears clearly under the influence after a heavy weekend? Don’t wonder what to do – The HR Company will be your first port of call and we will talk you through the right approach.

What’s included:

  • Contracts of employment
  • Staff handbooks
  • 24/7 advice line
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Health & Safety documentation review
  • Any other HR documentation
What’s included:

  • Contracts of employment
  • Staff handbooks
  • 24/7 advice line
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Assistance with Health & Safety documentation
  • Any other HR documentation
  • PLUS: One day on-site consultancy per annum
What’s included:

  • Contracts of employment
  • Staff handbooks
  • 24/7 advice line
  • Dedicated Account Manager
  • Assistance with Health & Safety documentation
  • Any other HR documentation
  • PLUS: Two days on-site consultancy per annum

Request a call back! Contact Today!

HR Support Built To Protect

  • Tailored Contracts of Employment

  • Delivering Disciplinary Recommendations
  • Advice on all aspects of Redundancy
  • Providing customised Employee Handbooks
  • Handling Terminations of Employment
  • Techniques in Controlling Absenteeism
The HR Company Logo

We support almost 3,000 Managers and Owners in Ireland

We are fully dedicated to keeping clients’ trust by offering them a HR service fit for purpose, and with a retention rate of 95.2% it’s no wonder why we are Ireland’s choice for HR Support Services!

The hospitality sector can be demanding at times. Companies like ours face an array of challenges on a regular basis – however, thanks to the experienced Account Managers at The HR Company, employee issues are not a burden for me anymore. HR is not something that I have to spend time worrying about. The HR Company promptly guides me through any Human Resource queries whenever they arise. Having access to an advice line 24/7 at no added cost gives me great peace of mind.
Philip Duignan, The Kings Head Pub & Malthouse
The HR Company caters to each and every one of our Human Resource needs – whether it is a new Contract of Employment, information regarding employee entitlements or simply reassurance or advice. Compliance is very important for Mont Vista Nursing Home and The HR Company insulates us by ensuring we are constantly updated with any changes in Legislation that may impact us. All letters are tailored to the specific situation and the turnaround time is fantastic. We receive a totally unique service from a dedicated Account Manager that knows our specific needs.
Seamus Morriarty, Carragher's Pharmacy

With new rules on employment law coming down the line on a regular basis, it can sometimes be difficult to stay on top of all of the components of Employment Legislation. This is why having the specialists at ‘The HR Company’ supporting us allows us to concentrate more time and resources on the other core areas of the business. The HR Company walks us through the correct processes step-by-step – from disciplinary procedures to ad hoc queries. The HR Company protects us by eliminating any threats or exposures. The level of service is astonishing given the low monthly subscription fee.

Nicola Lynch (President), Industrial Info Resources Europe

Our HR Employer Protection and Advisory Service is specifically designed to for Ireland's SME sector.

Request a call back today and find out what we can do to support your business!
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