Managing Compensation & Benefits Administration

In a competitive job market compensation and benefits take on an added level of importance. Their management also takes on an added level of complexity.

The HR Company | B2E takes the complexity back out. We take the guess work out of decision making by surveying the marketplace and keeping you informed. We take the headache out of administering compensation and benefits by providing you with a variety of specialised back-office services. These include everything from processing pension and medical plans to managing and organising your company’s Organisational Health Index.

What Can We Do For You?

We understand that every employee will have different pension and medical benefits based on their seniority – we are ready to handle those complexities for you.

With the constantly growing number of companies using our services, we are in a unique position to quickly provide you with average salary information for many positions across all sectors.

We will take care of the confusing salary and bonus payments for your employees.

Company cars are a great incentive for employees, however, in an era of increased employer responsibility, it’s important that the policies are put in place to ensure the overall onus on the company is limited.

Mortgages are very important to many employees. We will help you to process applications to ensure quality procedures.

Parental leave comes in many chapes and sizes, and we are here to make sure you understand the rules and possibilities of your employees’ leave.

Your organisation may prefer a more personalised benefit system. We will ensure that you can provide your employees with unique beneifts while maintaining all regulations.

At The HR Company we can advise, manage and organise annual benefits, expo’s & health awareness programmes.

An efficient Organbization Health Index will allow a company to produce the best work in the best ways. At the HR Company, we can help your organisation to clean up it’s procedures and elevate its effectiveness.

We can manage your outplacement programme and help your employees to move from your organisation in positive ways.

Recruitment Administration

Managing Recruitment Administration effectively is why multinationals choose The HR Company.

Employee Voice Response Service

The HR Company | B2E’s employee voice response service centre is there to provide answers and information when needed by you and your employees.

Human Resources Intranet

When your Human Resources Intranet is used and administered properly, it can be a powerful tool for saving time and reducing costs.

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Please feel free to download a copy of our digital HR Support Services brochure, exclusively for Multinationals.
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