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Irish Employment Legislation Updates and Guidance

Bank Holiday Entitlements in Ireland

With the October Bank Holiday weekend fast approaching we thought you might find some information on Public Holidays and the relevant employer obligations/responsibilities around pay useful! There are nine Public Holidays in Ireland each year - they are: •Public Holidays, Bank Holiday PayNew Year's Day (1 January) •St. Patrick's Day (17 March) •Easter Monday (Changes every year) •The first Monday in May, June & August •The last Monday in October •Christmas Day (25 December) •St. Stephen's Day (26 December) Here is a breakdown of the statutory outline of Public Holiday Entitlements under Irish Employment Legislation: Did you know that employees scheduled to work on a Public Holiday are entitled to an additional day's pay for the day? For instance, let's take “Employee A” as an example – “Employee A” works on the day the Public Holiday falls - let's say “Employee A” is a retail store employee and is required to work on St. Stephen's day as it is the first day of the store's seasonal sale - On a normal working day “Employee A” earns €100. This means that “Employee A” is entitled to receive the usual €100 for the hours worked on the Public Holiday as well as an additional €100 - So “Employee A” receives €200 for working on the Public Holiday. If there is any ambiguity in ascertaining what an additional day's pay should equal the employer should look at the last day worked prior to the Public Holiday. “Employee B” represents an employee who is normally scheduled to work on a day that a Public Holiday falls but is not required to work on that day (for example - an administrative assistant in a bank who typically works 09:00-17:00 Monday – Friday, who is not required to work on Easter Monday). “Employee B” should receive their normal day's pay for that day as well as not being required to work on the Public Holiday. On a normal working day “Employee B” receives €200. When a Public Holiday falls “Employee B” will not be required to work on this day as the business is closed. “Employee B” will still receive their normal day’s pay. Public holidays, Bank Holiday Pay The one that can cause the most confusion is the case of “Employee C” – Employees who are not normally scheduled to work on the Public Holiday will receive one-fifth of their normal weekly pay for the day. “Employee C”, for instance, works Wednesday – Friday and receives €100 per day in remuneration. If a Public Holiday falls on a Tuesday, even though “Employee C” never works that day he or she still has the right to benefit from the Public Holiday in some way. “Employee C” is still entitled to be paid a certain amount as a benefit for the Public Holiday (one-fifth of their normal weekly pay). If this employee earns €300 per three day week (Wednesday-Friday) they are entitled to earn an additional €60 during a week where a Public Holiday falls on a Monday or Tuesday. The above rules will apply for all Public Holidays.

Annual Leave Entitlements Guide Ireland

Annual leave is paid time off work that employees are granted by their employers - it can be used for whatever the employee wishes. It is important for employees to recharge the batteries and annual leave helps maintain a motivated and productive workforce. It is essential to note that the employer is statutorily obliged to provide a certain amount of annual leave to his or her employees. An employer can, of course, provide more leave than he or she is obliged to give – if an employer offers more leave to employees with long service histories or employees who exceed targets, for instance, this policy should be clearly defined and should be applied fairly across the board. Regardless of the employee’s status or length of their service everyone is entitled to annual leave. All time worked is eligible for paid holidays.

Here is an easy guide to assist employers in working out what leave should be allocated to each employee: Annual Leave Guidelines

There are three methods used to work out leave entitlements:

a)            The most common method used is: 4 working weeks in a leave year during which the employee works a minimum of 1,365 hours (Unless the employee has changed employment during that year). b)            1/3 of the employee’s working week per calendar month of at least 117 working hours (Eg: 1.67 * 12 = 20 days) c)            8% (.08) of the hours worked by the employee in the leave year (the total is not to exceed 4 working weeks) In some instances an employee’s leave could be worked out using more than one of the approaches listed above – where this is the case all applicable methods should be calculated and the employee shall be entitled to the highest result. Remember - the maximum statutory annual leave entitlement is four of his / her normal working weeks.

How to calculate an employee’s annual leave pay:

Not everyone works a 9-5 office job and not all employees earn the same gross figure on a weekly basis so here is a guide on how to determine holiday pay due to various categories of employees: (a)            If the employee’s pay is calculated by a fixed rate or a salary then the figure due to the employee per week of paid annual leave is equivalent to the amount he or she received for the normal weekly working hours last worked - This payment includes any regular bonus or allowance (that isn’t based on work completed) - it excludes any overtime pay.  

Annual Leave

(b)           If the employee’s pay is not calculated by a fixed rate or salary but instead by commission, for instance (or based on productivity rates) the amount paid to this employee per week of annual leave should equal their average weekly pay calculated over the 13 weeks prior to their annual leave commencing. (If the employee did not work during that period, the average weekly pay is calculated over the 13 weeks prior to the employee’s last working day before the annual leave commences. This excludes overtime.   In order to accurately calculate the number of annual leave days an employee is entitled to it is necessary to incorporate all hours worked in the calculation including time spent on annual leave (yes, employees accrue annual leave while on annual leave!), time spent on maternity leave, parental leave, force majeure leave or adoptive leave as well as time spent on the first 13 weeks of carer’s leave. Employees do not accrue annual leave while on sick leave, occupational injury, temporary lay-off, or career break.   If an employee falls sick during his or her annual leave this day(s) is not counted as annual leave (once it is covered by a medical certificate) and the annual leave day is kept for them to use at a later date. It is common practice for an employee to request their desired leave dates and usually, once an agreed period of advance notice is given (allowing the employer to arrange suitable cover etc.), the employer agrees. Annual leave is usually discussed in terms of weeks but, with employer consent, it can be broken down into shorter periods – often days or even half days at a time. It is the employer who approves holidays (it would not work from a business perspective if all employees were to arrange leave at the same time, for instance). The employer is, however, required to take the employee’s family responsibilities and need for rest and recreation into consideration. This annual leave must be given to employees within the leave year or, with the consent of the employee, within the first six months of the following year. The onus is on the employer to ensure that the employee takes their statutory leave allocation within the appropriate period. Employees may, with the consent of the employer, carry over holidays that exceed the statutory allowance to the next year. If the contract of employment is terminated and there is unused annual leave in respect of the employee the employer is obliged to compensate the employee for the accrued leave. It is illegal to pay an employee in lieu of the minimum statutory leave entitlement unless the employment relationship is terminated. Annual Leave Tracker

Risk Assessment for Pregnant Employees

As soon as an employer has received written notification of pregnancy from an employee, a risk assessment should be carried out. The employee should give their employer a copy of any advice that their Doctor/Midwife has given them if it could have an impact on the pregnant employee’s risk assessment. The risk assessment’s purpose is to evaluate the employee’s ability to carry out their role and to identify any possible risks to mother and baby. Pregnant Employees Risk Assessment Examples of some risks are:

  • Standing/sitting for long periods
  • Lifting/carrying heavy loads
  • Threat of violence in the workplace
  • Long working hours
  • Excessively noisy workplaces
  • Exposure to toxic substances
  • Work-related stress
  • Workstations and posture
Set out below are the different stages of a pregnant employee risk assessment: Step 1: Identify the risks (bearing in mind that there may not be any. Step 2 - Determine what can be done to reduce/remove any of the risks identified in Step 1. This may mean modifying the working hours or conditions of the pregnant employee. This stage can also involve assigning the employee to an alternative role during pregnancy. It is important to remember that the employer is not allowed to alter the employee’s pay for the duration of this change in role. Step 3 – If the identified risks are great and no possibility of removal/reduction can be found (this may not be practical within the workplace etc.), the employer may decide to suspend the employee from duties until the health and safety of the mother and unborn child/children is no longer threatened. This is known as Health & Safety Leave. Health and Safety Leave can also be applicable for breastfeeding mothers. During Health & Safety Leave (the period of suspension) the employee is entitled to full pay from the employer for the first three weeks. Exceptions can occur if the employee has unreasonably refused to do the alternative ‘risk-free’ work offered to them or if the employee does not meet any reasonable requirements.  Risk Assessment The Department of Social Protection pays Health and Safety Benefit after the first three weeks of Health and Safety Leave has passed. In order to qualify for Health and Safety Benefit, you must meet certain criteria and PRSI contribution conditions. Employees are still considered to be in employment so they continue to accumulate their annual leave entitlement. However, they are not entitled to payment for public holidays that occur while on Health and Safety Leave. It is essential that the employer regularly monitors and reviews any assessment made to take account of the possible risks that may occur at the different stages of pregnancy.
By |2021-02-23T17:45:25+00:00October 3rd, 2017|HR Guide, Leave and Holidays|0 Comments

Minor and Gross Misconduct Procedures

Proper conduct and professional behaviour in the workplace is essential to ensure the efficient operation of a Company on a daily basis. Employers need to define unacceptable conduct so that employees can differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour/actions.

Gross Misconduct, Minor Misconduct

The repercussions for breach of the behavioural policies or rules within an organisation should be clarified for all employees as it is very important to make them aware that their actions can lead to the disciplinary procedures being invoked. In severe cases misconduct in the workplace can lead to dismissal. There are two levels of misconduct – minor and gross. Minor instances of misconduct should initially result in informal advice being given by the Manager without having to resort to disciplinary action – if this approach proves unsuccessful then leaning on the formal disciplinary procedure may be required.
  • Examples of minor misconduct include:
  • Persistent lateness or absenteeism
  • Unsatisfactory standards of work or poor productivity
  • Disruption of other employees
  • Abusive language
  • Unauthorised use of property or negligent damage/loss of property
  • Failure to abide by Company dress code or Health and Safety procedures
  Gross Misconduct, Minor Misconduct   Cases of gross misconduct are more serious than ordinary instances of poor conduct. Gross misconduct can call for immediate dismissal and the employer does not have to give notice or pay in lieu of notice in these grave circumstances.   Examples of gross misconduct include:
  • Sleeping while on duty
  • Sexual harassment
  • Making false allegations of personal injury/accidents in the workplace
  • Gross indecent or immoral behaviour, deliberate discrimination or serious acts of harassment
  • Deliberate fraud – e.g. falsification of records in respect of the individual or another employee or deliberate misrepresentation
  • Smoking in breach of the Company policy
  • Endangering others through fighting/physical assault or abuse
  • Incapacity at work due to the use of intoxicants or drugs
  • Possession, supply or use of illicit drugs
  • Deliberate failure to carry out instructions, deliberate damage to Company policy/deliberate poor work performance
  • Breach of code of professional conduct
  • Providing confidential Company information to competitors or unauthorised bodies
  • Rudeness towards clients and objectionable behaviour – neglect of duties that could result in harm to clients
  • The taking of any property/money owned by colleagues or the Company without authorisation
  • Arriving to work under the influence of alcohol where carrying out duties may be hindered
  • Unauthorised use of Company property, facilities, or resources. Selling, attempting to sell or promoting the sale of non-Company merchandise while on Company premises.
Employers must commit to treating all staff fairly and equitably and to helping employees to perform effectively. However, in order to protect the interests of the Company as well as the employees, there will be occasions where the need to invoke the Company’s disciplinary procedure arises. It is important for Companies to have a Labour Court approved Disciplinary Procedure in place so that employees know what to expect in instances of discipline. The steps in a disciplinary policy should be followed closely, however, during the probationary period or where gross misconduct has occurred progressive steps can be skipped. Cases must be treated consistently and fairly. Employees engaged in disciplinary proceedings should be given ample opportunity to provide their version of events and extenuating circumstances should be taken into account (if any exist). Cases must be thoroughly investigated, discrimination must be avoided and procedure should be adhered to including carrying out disciplinary meetings and allowing the employee to be accompanied by a colleague. Remove Threats Download HR eu002DBook

Disabled Employee not Accommodated by Employer Awarded €30,000!

Employer ResponsibilitiesAs redress for infringement of her statutory rights and breaches of the Employment Equality Acts, former employee of a Multi-National Retailer receives compensation in the amount of €30,000.

The Director of the Equality Tribunal delegated this case to Orlaith Mannion, Equality Officer on 13th August 2013.

The specific case concerned a claim by Ms. H against her employer, a Multi-National Retailer. Ms. H claimed that she was discriminated against on the grounds of disability in terms 6(2)(g) of the Employment  Equality Acts 1998-2011. The claimant stated that her employer failed to provide appropriate measures to allow her to continue to be employed in her original role with the retailer.

The claimant had worked on the customer service desk for 30 years and enjoyed her position there. In 2001 Ms. H had an operation to remove her colon and, after that, had some medical issues including episodes of diarrhoea. A few years after this operation, Ms. H once again had surgery – this time on her knees as a result of osteoarthritis and had issues with the toilet facilities in her place of work after this as the one suitable toilet in the store was upstairs. One toilet located on Ms. H’s floor required that she walk across the shopping centre to access it. This toilet did not offer a huge improvement for Ms. H as she had to hoist herself up and down onto the toilet by gripping the doorframe.


When the store was being revamped, the claimant suggested that her employer take the opportunity to install a toilet for people with disabilities – customers and employees alike. No disabled toilet was installed and Ms. H said she heard many excuses for this throughout her service with her employer.

Ms. H claimed that in 2009 she was informed that a disabled toilet was due to be installed. Ms. H went on holidays shortly after hearing this news and, unfortunately, broke her leg while away. Ms. H was a wheelchair user for a period of 6 months and underwent more surgeries in January and July 2010. When she was back on her feet Ms. H wanted to return to work and was medically certified as fit to do so in July 2011. Ms. H’s doctor made some recommendations that would allow Ms. H to return to work –

The doctor recommended that Ms. H should return on a phased basis, that she should be able to sit for periods during her working day and that she have access to a disabled toilet.

The employer responded stating that the claimant returning on a phased basis would be facilitated. However, they were not able to fulfil the other recommendations of the doctor. According to the store management, Ms. H’s role (behind the kiosk) had changed during her absence and, although a chair had been available there previously, the store was no longer able to facilitate a chair behind the kiosk and therefore they could offer her a role at the checkout when she returned to work instead of Ms. H returning to her previous role. A checkout role would not have been practical for Ms. H to take as she would have been required to lift heavy grocery items and this was something that she was not able to do (and had not been required to do as part of her Customer Service role).

Disabled EmployeeAlso, according to the management, because the store revamp had been suspended, so too had the provision of a disabled toilet. However, the respondent did offer the claimant extra time to use the shopping centre’s disabled toilet and the management of the store felt as though this was reasonable.

Ms. H felt that the checkout role was unsuitable and would have been a demotion. She also felt that the toilet scenario was unacceptable as there was often queues at this toilet and her condition did not allow for her to wait in queues for long periods. Ms. H raised a formal grievance which was heard in August 2011. The complaint was not upheld and neither was Ms. H’s appeal. Ms. H felt that her employer ignored her disabilities since her surgeries in 2005 and felt as though her employer had failed in their duty of care to her.

The respondent refuted any claims of discrimination and claimed that the employee had been out of work for a much longer period than the doctor had originally advised (6-9 months). More than one year after Ms. H broke her leg on holidays she attended a return to work meeting and the respondent pointed out that Ms. H was outside of her support period and recommended that she attend the company doctor. Ms. H did so the following month and the Occupational Health Advisor recommended that she return to work on a phased basis in approximately 3 months' time. The Health Advisor also recommended that a risk assessment should take place and anything like slippy or uneven floors should be attended to in order that another fall was prevented.

Equality Tribunal

The respondent was satisfied for Ms. H to return when recommended by the Occupational Health Advisor (in approximately 3 months). However, as the Customer Service desk role had changed in the two years that Ms. H had been absent from work and (for various reasons e.g. lack of space) no chair was situated there any longer, the respondent was not especially fit for that particular role any longer. Ms. H and her doctor felt that the checkout operator role was not a valid alternative.

The Equality Officer found that Ms. H had been discriminated against by her employer. While her doctor’s request for her to return to work on a phased basis had been upheld, other notable recommendations were not fully adhered to.

MS. H was supposed to be allowed to sit for periods during the working shift – the customer service role would not have allowed for this and, while the checkout operator role allowed her to sit, it required lifting of heavy groceries. The Equality Officer found that providing a reasonable disabled toilet for Ms. H would have cost the respondent approximately €22,600.00 and this would not have imposed a burden on a company that, in 2013, reported revenue in Ireland as £2,315 million Sterling.

The employer did not show genuine engagement with the process of finding effective and practical measures to allow the claimant to return to work.

Therefore, the Equality Officer found in favour of the claimant.

In accordance with Section 82 of the Act, she ordered the respondent:

(a) pay the complainant €30,000 (the approximate equivalent of a year’s salary) in compensation for breaches of the Employment Equality Acts. The award is redress for the infringement of Ms H’s statutory rights and, therefore, not subject to income tax as per Section 192A of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (as amended by Section 7 of the Finance Act 2004).

(b) conduct a review of its employment policies and procedures to ensure that they are in compliance with these Acts with particular reference to how employees with disabilities are treated.


Standard HR Services from The HR Company

Important Points for Employers re Data Protection

The Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 provide rules that apply to the collection, use, disclosure and transfer abroad of information about individuals. The Acts cover the principals that companies must follow when processing personal data about employees as well as information about clients/residents.

The Acts also give individuals certain rights in relation to personal data that is held about them. 

If you as a Company collect, host or process data about people on any type of computer or structured filing system, then you are considered a data controller under the Acts.

Every Company holding information about individuals should have a Data Protection Policy in place and should ensure that all IT administrators and employees with access to personal/confidential information are fully trained on the rights and responsibilities associated with that access.

data protection

Billy Hawkes, the Data Protection Commissioner, ensures that companies that keep personal data are in compliance with the Acts. The Commissioner has a range of enforcement powers to help guarantee that the provisions of the Acts are observed. The Commissioner can serve legal notices compelling data controllers to provide information needed to assist with his enquiries. He can also compel data controllers to implement provisions of the Acts in a particular prescribed manner.

He may investigate complaints made by members of the public and can authorise officers to enter sites with the aim of inspecting the type of personal information kept as well as how it is processed and the security measures that the data controller has in place. Companies are required to co-operate fully with such data protection officers.

Data controllers who are found guilty of offences under the Acts can be fined up to €100,000 on conviction and may be ordered to delete all or part of their database.

The Data Protection Commissioner publishes a report annually naming, in certain cases, data controllers who were investigated by his office.

On 12th May 2014 Billy Hawkes launched his Annual Report for 2013. The report contains a summary of the activities of the Office of the Data Commissioner during the entire year.

The Annual Report highlights a huge number of individual complaints that were referred to the Office regarding difficulties in gaining access to personal data. According to the report these were as a result of poor customer service standards by commercial entities.

data protection

It appears as though individuals who feel as though they are not receiving sufficient customer service from a commercial entity are exercising their data protection rights more regularly and are more frequently requesting a copy of all personal data held by that entity.

If the initial query or request had been comprehensively dealt with in the first instance then perhaps they would have been less likely to exercise their data protection right to request a copy of all personal data held about them.

Employers should note that telephone call recordings are considered personal data. The Office has seen as increase in the number of access requests to data controllers by individuals seeking a copy of telephone recordings. Organisations are obliged to inform data subjects that their call may be recorded if a call recording system is in operation.

Throughout the course of 2013 the Office opened more than 900 complaints for investigation. More than 500 of these complaints (56.8%) were from individuals who experienced difficulty when gaining access to their personal data held by organisations. This was a record high for this type of complaint which is indicative of the increased level of awareness among the general public of their statutory right of access.

Last year the Office dealt with 1,577 Data Security Breach notifications. The 2013 Annual Report contains a variety of case studies regarding Data Security Breach investigations. One such case study involved the taking of a client list by a former employee to a new employer. This has emerged as a regular issue in recent years and is a serious breach that is a big concern for all employers.

employer responsibilities, data protection

Civil sanctions may result where a person suffers any damage as a consequence of failures on the part of a data controller to meet his/her obligations.

In November 2013 it was discovered that the personal information of more than 1,500,000 people was compromised by a major security breach at a Co. Clare based Company. In an RTE Morning Ireland interview at the time, Mr. Hawkes admitted that “cyber-criminals have become extremely sophisticated and it can be quite difficult to actually identify that your system has been perpetrated.” This was one of the worst data breaches in Irish history.

The Society for Chartered IT Professionals in Ireland, known as the Irish Computer Society (ICS), carried out a recent survey on data protection in Ireland and the results, which were published in January 2014, were astonishing.

256 Irish based companies were surveyed and a record number of data breaches were reported to have occurred in 2013. Findings revealed that one in two of the surveyed companies experienced a data breach during the last 12 months. In fact, more than 20% of the companies contacted by the ICS reported multiple breaches. These statistics mark a significant increase on last year’s figures when 43% of companies examined reported a breach.

According to the results, one third of employees are not fully aware of data protection issues and many receive insufficient data protection training or, alarmingly, no relevant training whatsoever.

data controllers, data protection policy
Several IT managers admitted that Data Protection policies are not implemented at all in their Company or they are only partially adhered to. The survey has highlighted the need for companies to manage their data processing environment much more carefully and provide additional training for their IT administrators and all employees who have contact with personal information pertaining to employees/clients. According to the ICS survey, negligence on the part of employees accounted for 77% of the reported incidents. Hackers seeking to obtain data and unencrypted laptops were also cited as major threats.

According to Fintan Swanton, Chairman of the Association of Data Protection Officers, “Clear policies and procedures are vital, with regular refresher training and timely reviews to ensure that staff are complying with the structures.”

It is important for employers to be aware that new data protection legislation will require most organisations to appoint a Data Protection Officer.

The Role of NERA in our Workplaces

NERA resized 600In the 6 month period between January and June 2013, The National Employment Rights Authority (NERA) conducted 2,755 workplace inspections. A staggering 1,458 (53%) of these inspections were unannounced!

NERA’s update on activity from January to September 2013 illustrated the following:

*In the first 9 months of 2013 the NERA Customer Service Unit provided information to more than 48,484 people. The vast majority of people who received information from the Customer Service Unit were employees or former employees (an estimated 71%).



*Redundancy, Working Hours, Conditions and Terms of Employment, Payment of Wages and Unfair Dismissal were the main topics/issues dealt with during the period.



*The Workplace Relations Customer Services (which deals with complaints in relation to all employment rights bodies) received 11,787 Employment Rights Complaints between January and July of 2013. This number represents a significant increase on the same period in 2012 when 9,809 complaints were received.



*4,009 workplace inspection cases were completed in the first 9 months of 2013. These cases involved more than 44,100 employees. This represents a significant increase on the 2012 figure of 3,140. The amount of unpaid wages recovered totalled €583,650.



*In the period between January and September 2013, 33 cases were referred for prosecution. 47 convictions were recorded in cases heard by the Courts during the first 9 months of last year.


EAT Annual Report Highlights Shocking Statistics for Employers

The 2012 Annual Report of the Employment Appeals Tribunal has highlighted some astounding statistics 

  • According to Chairperson Kate T O’Mahony’s foreword “there are presently approximately 5,000 cases awaiting a hearing, of these 37% are unfair dismissals cases.”
  • According to the Chairperson’s foreword, “In its appellate jurisdiction the Tribunal deals with disputes about matters occurring during the course of the employment relationship. A notable trend in recent years has been the steady increase each year in the percentage of the Tribunal’s appellate work which, significantly doubled from 12% in 2011 to 24% in 2012.
  • In 2012, employees had some sort of additional representation at the hearing before the Employment Appeals Tribunal on 1,917 occasions – employers, however, only had representation in 1,116 cases. It is clear that unfair dismissal cases see the highest level of representation but it is interesting to note that employee parties had representation in 1,071 cases and employer parties only had representation on 740 occasions.

Unfair Dismissal, EAT

  • In 2012, the Employment Appeals Tribunal received 5,623 cases.


  • The number of appeals against the recommendations of the Rights Commissioners received in 2012 was 1,349 – this number represents a 38% increase on the previous year and a staggering 81% increase on the 2010 total.
  • The top 3 categories of cases referred to the Employment Appeals Tribunal in 2012 were Unfair Dismissal (1,742), Redundancy (1,239) and Minimum Notice & Terms of Employment (929).


  • In 2012, the Employment Appeals Tribunal awarded almost €7million in 377 Unfair Dismissal cases. The average compensation awarded was more than €18.5k. *96 claimants received more than €25k


  • The number of Payment of Wages cases disposed of in 2011 was 154 – this number rose by 164% to 407 in 2012.
  • The number of Maternity Protection Acts appeals rose from just 2 in 2011 to 11 in 2012.


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Important Employer Responsibilities re Employees working with VDUs

Visual Display Unit (VDU)

A significant number of employees regularly work with Visual Display Units (VDUs) as part of their role.

Employers – Did you know that there are a range of measures that you must adhere to with regard to VDUs in your workplace?

*The following are the categories of employees who will be covered by these Regulations;

  1. If the employee has no choice but to the use the VDU to carry out his or her work.

  2. If the employee normally uses the VDU for continuous periods of more than one hour.

  3. If the VDU is generally used by the employee on a daily basis.


    Please note that a normal laptop is not covered by these Regulations due to the fact that the keyboard is tilt-able and separate from the screen so as to allow the user to find a comfortable working position hence avoiding fatigue in the arms or hands of the employee.

    *In accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Acts 2005 and 2010, employees working with VDUs are entitled to have their workstation assessed in line with the following requirements;

    1. The Company must ensure that the general use of the equipment is not a source of risk for the employee.

    2. The Company is obliged to perform an analysis of the employee’s workstation in order to evaluate the safety and health conditions to which it may give rise.

    3. The Company must take appropriate measures to remedy any risks found during the workstation analysis.

    Employer Responsibilities

    *Upon the commencement of their employment employers must ensure that;

    1. Employees are trained in the use of the VDU workstation and given information about health and safety factors.

    2. Employees receive periodic breaks or changes of routine (away from the VDU).

    1. Employees receive appropriate eye and eyesight tests (or may opt for either) before working with VDUs as well as at regular intervals throughout their employment with the Company.

    If an employee experiences any eyesight/physical problems as a result of working with a VDU, the employee should highlight the issue to his or her manager as soon as possible.

    *Some notable points for employers;

                 If special corrective appliances (glasses) are required exclusively for working at a display screen, they must be provided by the employer at no cost to the employee. The costs of minimum requirement frames and lenses must be borne by the employer.

                 Should the glasses be used also for other purposes the employer must cover the cost of the correction required for working with display screens only.

                 Employer obligations relating to the various components of the workstation (from chairs to the display screen, lighting, noise levels, heat, radiation and humidity) are also included in the Acts.

    We have created a draft VDU Policy for you to incorporate in your Employee Handbook alongside all of your other HR policies.

    Click the below image in order to download our draft policy that you can tailor for your Company.

    VDU Policy, Visual Display Unit



    The significance of having ‘Emergency Contact Details’ for Employees

    A total of 48 people died in work-related accidents in 2012. Incidents involving vehicles were a big factor in this figure. The agricultural sector accounted for 21 of these deaths, construction accounted for 8 deaths with a further 7 coming from the fisheries sector. Unfortunately, work-related accidents leading to death also occurred in 7 other sectors in Ireland in 2012.

    According to the Health and Safety Authority Summary of Workplace Injury, Illness and Fatality Statistics 2011-2012, 2012 saw a staggering total of 6,619 non-fatal workplace injuries.

    38.3% of the reported work-related injuries occurred in Dublin. The injuries reported varied in severity from superficial wounds to serious injuries like amputations, burns and poisonings.


    In case of emergency

    Health and Safety in the workplace is of cardinal importance and all employers, including the self-employed, are required to have Health and Safety protocols and documentation in place. The safety statement must relate to the specific workplace and work activities and must be based on the risk assessment of the hazards that may affect the employees or clients of/visitors to the Company.

    It is vitally important to know who to call on behalf of your employees in the unfortunate event of an emergency or accident occurring in the workplace.

    We have created a concise form so that employers can collect essential 'Emergency Contact Details' quickly and easily.

    Blank forms should be circulated to employees and they should be asked to fill them out and return them to management. The information should be stored confidentially and only used or imparted to a third party (like the ambulance service) in the case of an emergency.

    Simply click on the below image to download your copy of our ‘Emergency Contact Details’ form.

    Emergency Contact Information, Next of Kin



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