
Barista is awarded €25,000.00 for harassment, sexual harassment & discrimination

Barista is awarded €25,000.00 for harassment, sexual harassment & discrimination

A café was ordered to pay €25,000.00 to a former employee for allegations relating to harassment sexual harassment, and discrimination. This case highlights the importance of following internal […]

What is the purpose of a whistleblowing policy?

Whistleblowing is a specific means by which an employee or stakeholder can report or dis-close information through established channels in good faith, through a reasonable belief that the information provided is substantially accurate.

According to the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, […]

By |2021-02-23T17:25:51+00:00October 21st, 2020|HR Guide, Policies & Procedures|0 Comments

Employment law guide for Employers

Employment law: Why your business needs to be compliant?

Compliance means something you are required or expected to do. For example, a law, treaty, or agreement. However, for businesses, compliance can also mean protection. If your business is […]

By |2021-02-23T17:44:27+00:00September 25th, 2020|HR Guide, HR Topics, Policies & Procedures|0 Comments
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