Working from home guide
Employers are not obliged to conduct an investigation of each employee’s home. However, they are still obliged to determine whether an employee’s temporary home workspace is suitable for the work the employee is required to do. This can done by asking the employee to provide information about their home workspace. Examples of such questions include the following:
This list is by no means exhaustive. An Employer can ask other questions that they believe to be relevant having regard to the nature of the work done by the employee. Employees’ responses to these questions should be recorded. If an employee answers “no” to any questions, then the employer should take immediate action to establish what risk may exist and how it can be addressed.
Employers should conduct a risk assessment for any employee who answers ‘no’ to the questions above, or who fall into the “sensitive risk group”, that is if the employee is:
In the case of such “sensitive risk groups” the employer should consider the following in relation to the employee’s work and workspace. Does the employee have: