Contracts of Employment

employment contracts


Barista is awarded €25,000.00 for harassment, sexual harassment & discrimination

Barista is awarded €25,000.00 for harassment, sexual harassment & discrimination

A café was ordered to pay €25,000.00 to a former employee for allegations relating to harassment sexual harassment, and discrimination. This case highlights the importance of following internal […]

Employment Contract: Employers Guide

Why are contracts of employment necessary?

A contract of Employment gives both parties, Employers and employee rights and duties. The purpose is to understand all the aspects of the terms of Employment.

An Employer is legally obliged to provide employees with […]

By |2021-02-23T17:34:01+00:00August 28th, 2020|Contracts of Employment, HR Guide, Policies & Procedures|0 Comments

Employer Responsibilities – Contracts of Employment

Employers are legally obliged to provide workers with a written statement of the employment agreement between the two parties (the contract) within two months of the employee commencing employment.

Having a contract in place can offer protection to the Company in the event of a dispute or issue arising. This document can help to safeguard the Company in the event of employee litigation or Labour Court hearings. 

contracts, contracts of employmentReasons why you, as an Employer, need to issue a Contract of Employment:

  • It outlines the requirements of the position and the conditions the person is meant to work against.

  • It addresses the legal requirements against which all employees are protected today.

  • In the event of poor performance the employer can refer to the contract and all conditions contained therein, and manage the employee against such conditions. 

  • The use of probationary periods is fundamental for all new employees.

    An example of what an employee’s rights are in the event of not having a contract in place:

    If the employer fails to give written details of the terms of employment, the employee can bring a complaint to a Rights Commissioner. The employee must make the complaint when in employment or within 6 months of leaving employment.

describe the image

Legal Requirements:

  • The Terms of Employment (Information) Acts 1994 and 2001 provide that an employer is obliged to provide an employee with a written statement of terms of employment within the first two months of the commencement of employment.

    The statement of terms must include the following information:

    • (a) the full name of employer and employee
    • (b) the address of the employer
    • (c) the place of work
    • (d) the title of job or nature of work
    • (e) the date of commencement of employment
    • (f) in the case of a temporary contract of employment, the expected duration of the contract or, if the contract of employment is for a fixed term, the date on which the contract expires,
    • (g) the rate of pay or method of calculation of pay and the pay reference period for the purposes of the National Minium Wage Act, 2000
    • (h) that the employee may, under section 23 of the National Minimum Wage Act, 2000, request from the employer a written statement of the employee’s average hourly rate of pay for any pay reference period as provided in that section.
    • (i) pay intervals
    • (j) the terms of conditions relating to hours of work (including information on overtime and entitlements to rest breaks and rest periods as per the Organisation of Working Time Act)
    • (k) terms or conditions relating to paid leave (other than sick leave)
    • (l) terms and conditions relating to sick/injury leave and sick pay and pensions and pension schemes
    • (m) notice which the employee is entitled to receive and obliged to give
    • (n) reference to any collective agreements which directly affect the terms and conditions of the employee’s employment.

describe the imageIn the case of the particulars noted at (g) (h) (i) (j) (k), (l) and (m) above, the employer, as an alternative to providing all the details in the statement, may use the statement to refer the employee to certain other documents containing the particulars, provided such documents are reasonably accessible to the employee in his/her employment.

The statement of terms must indicate the reference period being used by the employer for the purposes of the calculation of the employee's entitlements under the Minimum Wage Act, 2000. (Under that Act the employer may calculate the employee's minimum wage entitlement over a reference period that is no less than one week and no greater than one month).

The statement of terms must also inform the employee that he/she has the right to ask the employer for a written statement of his/her average hourly rate of pay for any reference period (except the current reference period) in the 12 months prior to the date of the employee’s request.

An Employee Working Abroad is also entitled to details of the following:

  • The period of employment outside the State

  • The currency in which they will be paid

  • Any other benefits-in-kind or cash that will be provided

  • The terms and conditions applicable on the employee's return home

Here are examples of some further terms and conditions of employment that are not required by law but are highly recommended:

  • Probationary Period and Probation Policy

  • Hours of work / additional hours / overtime / shift liability / weekend liability / night work liability / public holiday liability

  • Performance related bonuses

  • Absence Management

  • Medical examination

  • Holidays, public holidays, all other forms of leave

  • Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures

  • Confidentiality

  • Company Property

  • Phone and Mobile Phone Usage

  • Right to Inspect / Search

  • Drugs & Alcohol Policy / Right to Test for Intoxicants

  • Retirement

  • Company Rules and Regulations

  • Bullying and Harassment / Respect and Dignity at Work

  • Internet, Email & Social Media Usage

  • Use of Company Vehicles

  • Suspension without pay

  • Break and rest periods / exemption provision for employer for recording breaks

  • Return of company property


Have you heard of NERA?

The National Employment Rights Authority (NERA) delivers unprejudiced information on employment rights legislation to employers and employees in Ireland. NERA is charged with monitoring the employment rights of employees within the country. NERA inspectors perform various checks around the country and investigate suspected breaches of employment rights – it is important to bear in mind that a significant number of these inspection are unannounced. If NERA finds that an employer is not complying with employment rights legislation inspectors will seek reparation from the employer on behalf of the employee. In certain circumstances prosecutions against the employer may result.

NERA has the power to chase awards made by the Labour Court, the Rights Commissioner or the Employment Appeals Tribunal.

In order to pass a NERA inspection; employers must have provided their employees with clarity on the terms and conditions of their employment.

Important Employer Responsibilities re Employees working with VDUs

Visual Display Unit (VDU)

A significant number of employees regularly work with Visual Display Units (VDUs) as part of their role.

Employers – Did you know that there are a range of measures that you must adhere to with regard to VDUs in your workplace?

*The following are the categories of employees who will be covered by these Regulations;

  1. If the employee has no choice but to the use the VDU to carry out his or her work.

  2. If the employee normally uses the VDU for continuous periods of more than one hour.

  3. If the VDU is generally used by the employee on a daily basis.


    Please note that a normal laptop is not covered by these Regulations due to the fact that the keyboard is tilt-able and separate from the screen so as to allow the user to find a comfortable working position hence avoiding fatigue in the arms or hands of the employee.

    *In accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Acts 2005 and 2010, employees working with VDUs are entitled to have their workstation assessed in line with the following requirements;

    1. The Company must ensure that the general use of the equipment is not a source of risk for the employee.

    2. The Company is obliged to perform an analysis of the employee’s workstation in order to evaluate the safety and health conditions to which it may give rise.

    3. The Company must take appropriate measures to remedy any risks found during the workstation analysis.

    Employer Responsibilities

    *Upon the commencement of their employment employers must ensure that;

    1. Employees are trained in the use of the VDU workstation and given information about health and safety factors.

    2. Employees receive periodic breaks or changes of routine (away from the VDU).

    1. Employees receive appropriate eye and eyesight tests (or may opt for either) before working with VDUs as well as at regular intervals throughout their employment with the Company.

    If an employee experiences any eyesight/physical problems as a result of working with a VDU, the employee should highlight the issue to his or her manager as soon as possible.

    *Some notable points for employers;

                 If special corrective appliances (glasses) are required exclusively for working at a display screen, they must be provided by the employer at no cost to the employee. The costs of minimum requirement frames and lenses must be borne by the employer.

                 Should the glasses be used also for other purposes the employer must cover the cost of the correction required for working with display screens only.

                 Employer obligations relating to the various components of the workstation (from chairs to the display screen, lighting, noise levels, heat, radiation and humidity) are also included in the Acts.

    We have created a draft VDU Policy for you to incorporate in your Employee Handbook alongside all of your other HR policies.

    Click the below image in order to download our draft policy that you can tailor for your Company.

    VDU Policy, Visual Display Unit



    Employers – Do You Know the New Regulations re Mobile Phone Use While Driving?


    Mobile Phone Use While Driving

    Employers - Did you know that, as of today May 1st, 2014, New Legislation on the Use of Mobile Phones While Driving will be effective?

    For some time now it has been illegal to talk on the phone or send text messages while driving. However, an amendment, effective 1st May, 2014, will tighten up on the rules which saw some people dodge penalties if the phone was operated while resting in a “cradle” or via a hands-free kit, for instance.

    The amendment to the existing legislation governing phone use while driving, which was signed by Leo Varadkar, Minister for Transport, on 11th April, 2014, makes it an offence for an individual to "hold” a mobile phone while driving a mechanically propelled vehicle in a public place.

    Holding the mobile device includes supporting or “cradling” it with any part of your body (not just your hand) e.g. between the neck and shoulder. It is not a requisite that a person is actually engaged in a conversation on the phone. Similarly a person sending or even reading a text message (including SMS/MMS), or accessing information via the internet/e-mails etc. is committing an offence if "holding” the device as outlined above.

    Sending or reading a text, in this instance, does not include anything done without touching the mobile phone or through voice activation.

    The offence is punishable on conviction with a fine of up to €1,000 (first offence). The fine could reach €2,000 for a second offence. Three offences within 12 months could see a motorist face a 3 month jail term in addition to a fine. This is in addition to penalty points.

    Close to 10,000 people were detected holding a mobile while driving in the Republic of Ireland between the beginning of January and the end of March 2014.

    Assistant Garda Commissioner, John Twomey, communicated the staggering statistic that a motorist is four times more likely to have a collision when using a mobile phone.

    Employers should issue employees with a notice detailing the important new regulations so that they are aware of their responsibilities. This notice should also serve to inform the employees that the Company will not cover the cost of road traffic offences including fines received under the penalty points system. Your notice should let employees know that these costs will be borne by the employee regardless of whether the vehicle was being driven for private or business use at the time the offences occurred.

    We have prepared a sample Notice to Employees to help you to explain the new legislation – this can be downloaded by clicking the below image.

    Mobile Phone Use, New Legislation, Notice to Employees

    We hope you find it helpful!

    Employing Young People – Under 18s Register

    Under 18 RegisterThe Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act, 1996 is designed to protect the health of young workers and places restrictions on their employment. The basis for this is to guarantee the protection of young people and to ensure the workload assumed is not jeopardising their education.

    The law sets minimum age limits for employment. It also sets rest intervals and maximum working hours, and prohibits employees under the age of 18 from working late at night. Employers must also keep specified records for those workers who are under the age of 18.

    During a National Employment Rights Authority (NERA) assessment the inspector will request access to the company’s register of employees under the age of 18 (if the company employs workers in this category). 


    There are strict rules that employers must adhere to when employing those under the age of 18.

    According to the Act employers cannot employ children under the age of 16 in regular full-time jobs. 

    Children aged 14 and 15 may be employed on a controlled basis.

    Some rules to pay attention to:

    •They can do light work during the school holidays – 21 days off must be given during this period.

    •They can be employed as part of an approved work experience or educational programme where the work is not harmful to their health, safety or development.

    •They can be employed in film, cultural/advertising work or sport under licences issued by the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation.

    •Children aged 15 may do a maximum of 8 hours of light work per week during the school term. The maximum working week for children outside of the school term is 35 hours (or up to 40 hours if they are on approved work experience).

    •The maximum working week for children aged 16 and 17 is 40 hours with a maximum of 8 hours per day.

     Under 18s

    There are many obligations on the employer when he or she employs a young person – here is a list of some of the items that employers must be vigilant of:

    An employer must be provided with a copy of the young person’s birth certificate (or other documentation proving age) prior to the commencement of employment.

    Break rules are: 30 minutes break after working 4.5 hours

    Before employing a child an employer must obtain the written permission of the parent or guardian of the child.

    An employer must maintain a register of employees under 18 containing the following information:

    •The full name of the young person or child

    •The date of birth of the young person or child

    •The time the young person or child commences work each day

    •The time the young person or child finishes work each day

    •The rate of wages or salary paid to the young person or child for his or her normal working hours each day, week, month or year, as the case may be, and

    •The total amount paid to each young person or child by way of wages or salary

    Download your copy of our Under 18s Register here:


    Under 18s Register


    An employer and parent/guardian who fails to comply with the provisions of the Act shall be guilty of an offence. 

    Some other notable rules the employer must adhere to when employing a young person or child are as follows:

    •The employer is obliged to ensure that the young person receives a minimum rest period of 12 consecutive hours in each period of 24 hours.

    •The employer is obliged to ensure that the young person receives a minimum rest period of 2 days which shall, where possible, be consecutive, in any 7 day period.

    •The employer cannot require or permit the young person to do work for any period without a break of at least 30 consecutive minutes.

    For a comprehensive guide to employer responsibilities and the rules and regulations governing the employment of young workers please refer to the Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act, 1996

    You must give employees a copy of the Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act

    docs/Protection of Young Persons Employment Act 1996.pdf


    Under 18 Employees

    The national minimum wage for an experienced adult employee is €8.65 per hour.  An experienced adult employee for the purposes of the National Minimum Wage Act is an employee who has an employment of any kind in any 2 years since the age of 18.

    The Act also provides the following sub-minimum rates;  

      • An employee who is under 18 is entitled to €6.06 per hour (this is 70% of the minimum wage)
      • An employee who is in the first year of employment since the age of 18 is entitled to €6.92 per hour (80% of minimum wage)
      • An employee who is in the second year of employment since the date of first employment over the age of 18 is entitled to €7.79 per hour (90% of the minimum wage)


    Advice for Employers during World Cup 2014

    World Cup - Employment IssuesAs  I am sure you are aware, World Cup 2014 is starting today and we want to ensure that you are prepared as an employer, in the event that employee issues arise as a result of this tournament, particularly attendance at work during games and on the day following games.

    The World Cup is commencing today, 12th June, and runs until 13th July. Employees should have requested this time off by now or in the coming days if they wish to take annual leave during this time for matches.

    The main issues that could arise as a result of World Cup 2014, for employers, is that employees will be seeking additional time off either as annual leave or unscheduled time off. Unauthorised absence/increased sick leave may also be an issue for employers. Most games will be in the evening time - those employers who have evening/night shifts will need to be particularly prepared and pre-empt absence.

    You as an employer, will first need to establish what your policy is to be during this period. Once you have decided the stance you wish to take with employees during this period, you will need to ensure this policy is clearly outlined to employees in the coming days to ensure they are clear about what is expected of them.

    Sick Leave resized 600


    In deciding what you want to enforce for employees, you should pay attention to the following:

    • Inform employees that, if they wish to take time off, they must apply for annual leave immediately - and let them know that it will be on a first come, first served basis. 

    • Perhaps give staff the opportunity to swap shifts with colleagues who may not be interested in the matches - ensure all shifts are adequately covered.

    • Be mindful of your employees who are not football lovers and do not want to take any time off during these games. Ensure there is fair treatment between all staff and ensure football fans are not getting special treatment and additional time off over those who do not follow the game.

    • Make it clear that all employees are expected to be in work as normal, unless they have requested time off etc., during World Cup 2014. Outline that you expect productivity and attendance etc., to remain as it is currently.

    • You could outline that for any absences during this time (within reason), due to illness; employees are required to provide a medical certificate upon their return.

    • Employees may also arrive to work still under the influence of alcohol. If this is discovered, you need to act fast. Send the employee to the company doctor immediately to be checked by the doctor to establish if the employee is under the influence of alcohol. If the employee is found to be under the influence he/she should be sent home.  It may be time to engage a disciplinary process with the employee at this stage.

    • If applicable, you may consider screening the games in house as a goodwill gesture to employees.  

      • Be mindful if there are a number of matches on, you will need to allow employees have their say on which match is shown..

    • Employees may attempt to stream matches online on work computers, the company’s internet usage policy should be outlined to employees and the company’s expectations also outlined to employees here.

    The key to avoiding any issues during World Cup 2014 is to make sure you clearly outline to staff (in advance), what is expected of them and that absences etc., will not be tolerated.

    The above advice is courtesy of Lorraine Byrne, Senior Account Manager at The HR Company.

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