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So far peter has created 42 blog entries.

How does Sick Leave work in Ireland?

The introduction of the Sick Leave Act 2022 in Ireland gives all workers the right to paid sick leave. It will be available to all workers, regardless of their illness.

Statutory sick leave refers to the entitlement of an employee to […]

By |2024-06-19T11:03:14+00:00November 24th, 2020|HR Guide, Leave and Holidays, Policies & Procedures|0 Comments

Sales Executive awarded statutory redundancy payment of €11,604.00

Sales Executive awarded statutory redundancy payment of €11,604.00

A Sales Executive lodged a claim to the WRC alleging that she failed to receive her statutory redundancy entitlement. The Company she worked for went into liquidation. The total sum she was […]

Reduction of salaries during COVID-19

As a result of the current Covid-19 pandemic, some Employers may be considering the need to implement pay cuts. Employers should be aware that financial difficulties do not automatically equate to justification for reductions in salary. Businesses should […]

By |2020-11-19T15:44:45+00:00November 19th, 2020|Policies & Procedures|0 Comments

Barista is awarded €25,000.00 for harassment, sexual harassment & discrimination

Barista is awarded €25,000.00 for harassment, sexual harassment & discrimination

A café was ordered to pay €25,000.00 to a former employee for allegations relating to harassment sexual harassment, and discrimination. This case highlights the importance of following internal […]

How to run an interactive conference call?

Running an interactive conference call

The COVID-19 situation has forced many businesses to operate remotely, resulting in many employees now working from home. This shift equates to many adaptations. One, in particular, is maintaining open communication with employees. In […]

By |2021-02-23T17:24:32+00:00November 10th, 2020|HR Guide|0 Comments

What is the purpose of a whistleblowing policy?

Whistleblowing is a specific means by which an employee or stakeholder can report or dis-close information through established channels in good faith, through a reasonable belief that the information provided is substantially accurate.

According to the Protected Disclosures Act 2014, […]

By |2021-02-23T17:25:51+00:00October 21st, 2020|HR Guide, Policies & Procedures|0 Comments

Health & Safety in the workplace

What are Health and Safety regulations?

Companies are responsible for the health and safety of their employees. Therefore, the objective is to provide a safe and healthy work environment as reasonably practicable for all employees, contractors, visitors, or any other […]

By |2021-02-23T17:27:11+00:00October 20th, 2020|HR Guide, Policies & Procedures|0 Comments
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