Effective ways to keep employees productive while working from home – COVID 19


We understand that as more and more companies implement working from home policies due to the spread of COVID-19. Now Employees have the tasks of trying to be just as productive without their typical resources and routines. While working from home sounds like a luxury, in theory, it is certainly no vacation and being productive is easier said than done.

Every job is different, and the amount you can achieve will vary between career types, Employers, and internal policies. However, there are some key strategies to working from home when it comes to getting your tasks done efficiently (not to mention, staying sane and healthy while doing so!).

As some of your employees may need to work from home, these seven tips will help keep your employees productive and sane.

Stick with your routine

You should not skip your weekday morning preparations. Wake up, shower and get ready in real clothes at your usual time. It may sound trivial, but this will help you plan mentally for the day ahead and get into the “I’m going to work” mindset.

It is also helpful to keep to the same hours and work to a schedule. If you typically work from nine-to-five, keep working these hours at home. It is easy to lose track of time and if you cannot stick to a typical work-life balance, you may find yourself getting easily burnt out or feel less productive.

Create a Workspace

Although it may be tempting to stay in bed or head to your sofa, those who successfully work from home agree that you are best off setting up a station. If you do not have a desk, use your dining room table. Besides making you feel like you are at an “office,” this also helps you to avoid distractions while also maintaining a good posture.

Regularly move about

Sitting all day is not healthy even if you are at the office but working from home means you skip your commute and have fewer reasons to get up from your chair throughout the day. You can invest in a standing desk if you prefer to work on your feet, but otherwise make sure to stand up regularly to stretch or move around.

If you have gained an extra hour or two from not commuting, it is a good opportunity to exercise, either by working out at home or going for a walk outside. A lunchtime walk can also help you feel like you are not stuck inside all day. Online exercise tutorials are a good way of making sure you get your daily exercise.

Get some fresh air

Since experts advise us to limit contact with people who may be sick and many Companies are urging employees to stay home, you are likely going to spend a lot of time indoors.

Open your windows to let in as much natural daylight and fresh air as possible and take short walks if you live in an unpopulated area — and be sure to wash your hands as soon as you return home.

Stay connected with your colleagues

Make sure to check in regularly with your colleagues just like you would in the office. Besides email and messaging programs like Slack, it is a good idea to set up regular check-ins via phone or video conferencing like Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom. A video conference once a day, would be beneficial.

Create to-do lists to keep yourself organised and focused and share the status of your lists with your Supervisor and or Manager, so they know you are on top of your work.

Fight the urge to multi-task

Working from home may seem like a convenient time to catch up on chores around the house, but it is easier than you would expect to get distracted. There is nothing wrong with taking a little break, but do not let chores distract you from being productive.

The same goes for other at-home distractions. If you would typically meal prep or pack snacks ahead of time for the office, do the same at home, so you do not get preoccupied in the kitchen. Chances are you do not watch TV at work either, so try not to leave it on, even if it is just background noise.

If you have children, prepare for disruptions

With the closure of all Schools, Universities and Creches etc, it will be difficult to get work done at home. It will be even harder to get work done around younger children including babies and toddlers.

However, working from home in this situation is not impossible if you plan. Here are some tips that may help, if you are to be in this situation.

  • Get help, if you can.
    • It might not be the best choice for your family with the social distancing advisory, but if you have someone that can help out (e.g. a family member that can stay isolated with you), you will be able to get the most amount of work done. If you co-parent, take turns between watching the children and working. When you are working, hide in a separate room so your children do not know you are there
  • Flexible Hours.
    • If your job allows for it – especially with Companies being more lenient around COVID-19 – try to work when your baby or toddler is asleep, like early morning, nap times, and at night. It is not ideal, but you will be more productive if you have quiet time to yourself while you work.
  • Explain the situation to your children.
    • It is a good idea to talk to your children about coronavirus, especially older ones who can better understand the impact it will have on your day-to-day life.
  • Try new activities.
    • Fun toys and games that children have not played with before will keep them entertained longer. Time-consuming projects, like crafts, stickers, puzzles, and Lego, are sure to buy you some time.

Using the above seven tips, will enable you to be better equipped in managing and supporting your employees while they work remotely. We understand that for some of you this may be your first experience with either remotely working yourself or have your employees work remotely.

More information and updates on COVID-19 here