What are Health and Safety regulations?
Companies are responsible for the health and safety of their employees. Therefore, the objective is to provide a safe and healthy work environment as reasonably practicable for all employees, contractors, visitors, or any other individuals whom the policy may apply.
Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and the relevant codes of practice and regulations, businesses must implement a Health & Safety Policy. If your Company does not have it, you may be subject to penalties and fines for breach of the legislation. Furthermore, this can generate legal implications for your business.
How can Employers ensure Health & Safety in the workplace?
- Implement a safe workplace for all your stakeholders
- Prevent risks from employees using dangerous objects or substances from exposures to physical agents, noise, and vibration.
- Avoid behaviours that are likely to put employees at risk
- Provide training and instruction to employees on health and safety
- Give your employees the right equipment and clothing
- Nominated an employee as the Company’s Health and Safety officer
Health & Safety during COVID-19
The HSA (Health and Safety Authority) has published a section of advice for Employers with specific advice for a work environment where:
- There is no occupational exposure health risk to COVID-19
- The nature of the work poses an occupational exposure health risk to COVID-19, such as healthcare and laboratory settings
All Employers are advised to follow the instructions and updates of the public health department. Additionally, Employers are advised to run a risk assessment & statement. Therefore, they must provide the necessary H&S measurements to protect their employees, customers, partners, and anyone else involved in the business.
The risks and hazards that exist in every Company vary greatly. However, with our support, you can rest assured that your business will be guided at every stage of the process. Learn more about our services here.
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